高品質原料/ 多元配方設計/ 優質生產代工/ 專業諮詢顧問







High-quality raw materials

Based on the market demanding status of diverse raw materials, we provide two categories of raw materials optional.

Brand raw materials:

These are brands established by the original factories for the raw materials, and most of them have much marketing resources, including patents, certifications, trademarks, clinical studies, etc., providing clients with higher quality and more promotion material.

Selected raw materials:

To ensure raw material quality with our clients, each commercial lot of raw materials basing on origin, and the production flow chart to arrange the related testing values. It will be provided with the third-party laboratory report to the clients while shipment delivery at your warehouse.

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Diverse formula design

Support the raw material metaphor as the muscle, and the formula is the skeleton of the finished product. Both muscle and the skeleton are the brand's strong link to the consumers. The food-grade raw materials are easy to find, but formulas are hard to come out. This has always been an uncertain reason that it repeatedly also the same situation during the finished product development.

We hold professionalism in raw materials. Values the mechanism of the efficacy of raw materials, skilled in the synergistic effect between mechanisms. We customize exclusive formulas for your needs, supporting selected raw materials in your finished product creating brand value and gain the spotlight.




Quality production contract manufacturing

We have decades of industry experience. We can integrate our expertise in raw materials, formula design, dosage form development, packaging design and printing, factory production, and third-party laboratory to save you valuable time. The tedious process will be handled by us. All you have to do is provide your finished product concept and participate the deeper discussions during the development. We will show the finished product in front of you. Our clients save time to come up with marketing and channel development. Let’s the product to the bombing in promotion high peak. From concept to product, let us be your trusted supplier. Dreaming your ideas come to a reality and realizing your dreams smoothly.




Professional consulting consultant

During the product development process, have you struggled with selecting raw materials or been frustrated with formulation design? Do you need someone to discuss these issues with on a rotating basis? With over decade of experience in integrating health raw materials, we provide professional consulting services for our clients on the selection and application of raw materials. Working with us not only allows you to select high-quality raw materials, but also expands the range of applications for raw materials, creating unique and advantageous characteristics in product development.